Strategic Planning View provides you with a visual roadmap of your question strategy. The Strategic Planning View helps you focus the questions on your organization’s key areas while ensuring the surveys are spaced out properly to prevent survey fatigue.
The Strategic Planning View automatically groups questions into categories and puts them on a visual timeline so you can quickly review your question strategy throughout the quarter/year. The new View removes the need to:
Click back and forth between multiple screens.
Download multiple CSVs to document.
Miss out on asking key engagement pillar questions every quarter.
Accidentally send overlapped surveys within one month.
Ask too many low-priority questions and not enough high-priority focus questions.
To access Strategic Planning View, click on the Manage Surveys page from the Admin View:
And then click on the roadmap icon on the Engage / Manage Surveys page:

Strategic Planning View shows your current quarter as the default view. You can click on “Month” view or click on the month name on the timeline header to zoom in to a particular month. Similarly, you can click on “Year” view or click on the year name on the timeline header to zoom out and have a big picture of the whole year.
On the left side, you should see your questions grouped by Progress Plans (if you have any), then Categories within each Progress Plan, and the questions you have asked or have scheduled within each Category. This gives you an organized roadmap view of your question strategy from the high level to the specific.
Strategic Planning View comprises all the Progress Plans, Categories, and Questions you have asked in the past and have scheduled for the future. Click on the previous and next arrows to navigate to different time ranges. This helps you see and design a holistic question strategy from month to month and quarter to quarter.
Each grey bar indicates the survey that that question belongs to and the duration of the survey. Scanning these grey bars can help you quickly identify if your surveys are spaced out properly, or if you have asked too much or too little.
Hovering on the grey bar gives you more details such as the survey’s name, the survey’s audience, the survey’s send date and time.
If the survey is active or closed, clicking on the survey brings you to the survey’s Responses page. If the survey is scheduled for the future, clicking on the survey brings you to the survey’s Preview page.
On top of the page, Flexible/Pulse Surveys, Progress Plans, and Categories filters can help you find data more easily.
Please note that if you paused Pulses indefinitely, you would not see the Flexible/Pulse Surveys filter. If you do not have any Progress Plans, you will not see the Progress Plans filter.
Take the Categories filter for example. “Communication” is a key area that your organization has been focusing on. You are interested to see when you have asked or scheduled all questions and surveys related to “Communication”. You can choose “Communication” on the Categories filter. You will see the Strategic Planning View filtered down to only the Progress Plans, Surveys, and Questions that have the “Communication” Category.
Because the filter only filters the data of the time range being displayed on the screen, it is recommended to stay in the Year view when using the filter so that you can have a big picture and quickly navigate to the other time ranges. Then you can click on the Quarter or the Month to zoom in further if needed.
This view was designed to enable a more intentional and strategic survey strategy including Flexible/Pulse Surveys, and Progress Plans with a visual timeline