This article will show you how to create surveys. Interested in how to view the results for them? Check out how to view the results for surveys here!
Limeade Listening Engage makes it easy for you to ask the right questions at the right time. Limeade Listening has a standard queue of questions which will be sent out for you, but you also have the flexibility to ask custom questions or choose another from the question bank. Plan weeks in advance so you can just sit back and watch the feedback roll in.
In this article
- Overview
- Schedule Surveys
- Create Surveys
- Remove Surveys
- Pause and Resume Pulse Surveys
- Reorder Surveys
- Close or Extend an Active Survey
- Survey Delivery Schedule and Reminders
Limeade Listening Engage lets you send one-question Pulse Surveys every week, every other week, or every fourth week. Feel free to use the default question flow, ask your own custom pulses, or select a question from the bank. Here is a brief overview of each question type to help you decide the best format for getting the feedback you need.
Scale 1-5: Respond by selecting a score from 1 to 5, with an additional field for an option open text response to let employees provide reasoning for their score. Customizable low and high score labels. Examples: 1 - Terrible / 5 - Excellent, 1 - No way! / 5 - Absolutely! Sample question: How happy are you at work? (1 - Extremely unhappy / 5 - Extremely happy)
Boolean: Respond by selecting one of two options, with an additional field for an optional open text response to let employees provide the reasoning behind their selection. Customizable options. Examples: Yes / No, Agree / Disagree. Sample question: Were you recognized the last time you went the extra mile at work? (Yes / No)
Open Text: Respond by entering text only. These questions typically garner the lowest response rate but often deliver some of the more valuable insights. Sample question: What is one thing we should try within the next three months to better serve our customers?
Multiple Choice: Respond by selecting one option of up to 10. Multiple choice questions are only accessible as custom questions; there are no multiple-choice questions in the bank. Sample: What do you believe is our organization's greatest strength? Customer service, Product, Innovativeness, Opportunities for growth, Other.
Multi-Select (Flex Surveys only): Employees have the opportunity to directly indicate which areas they feel are the most important. Sometimes, it’s more than one, and the results may surprise you! You can have up to 10 options for a Multi-select question. Sample question: What were your favorite parts of the company picnic? (Select all that apply): Team Building / The Food! / Break-out Sessions / Social Aspect / Campfire Stories / Games / The Raffle! (Learn more about Multi-Select Questions in this help doc.)
Schedule Surveys
Your Manage Surveys shows you all of your active and upcoming surveys. There are two “views” you can choose from:
1. List View - this is helpful for quickly understanding the details of your active and upcoming surveys.
2. Calendar View - this is helpful to ensure you do not have too many surveys active at the same time
Create a Survey
There are two types of surveys you can create and manage.
- Pulse Surveys (Orange): These surveys follow Limeade Listening’s “Pulse Methodology” (light and frequent doses).
- Consists of only one question
- Sends on a consistent sequence/cadence (i.e. Every two weeks on Wednesday at 10 a.m.)
- Flexible Surveys (Gray): These are supplementary surveys outside of the pulse survey cadence.
- Can consist of up to 100 questions
- Can be sent on any day at any time
- Can have a custom duration
- Can be sent to specific Saved Groups, Custom Groups, Attributes or individuals in groups of 5 or more users
Click Create Survey and Choose Pulse Survey or Flexible Survey.
Pulse Survey
Pulse Surveys are one-question surveys that are sent to your users at your Pulse Survey frequency (weekly, biweekly, or monthly).
Add a question from the question bank
Limeade Listening is loaded with a bank of categorized questions for you to choose from. To add a question from the question bank you need to:
1. Select Limeade Listening question to choose from our Question Bank
2. Select the question type you want to ask
3. Narrow down questions by selecting an option from the Question Category dropdown menu. Otherwise, browse through all available questions by going directly to the Question dropdown.
4. Make your question selection.
5. Change the language or words of a question, without altering the meaning by clicking Edit Question. This is a good option if you want to provide a translation for any non-English speaking staff or adjust to Queen's English.
6. Once you have picked the question you would like to send out, click on the Next button.
7. On the resulting page, you will be shown an overview of the details of your survey and can preview what the survey will look like in the Employee View by clicking on the Preview Survey button.
8. If you are happy with your survey, click Save, and the question will be added to the top of the list and will be sent out once it is time for your next Pulse survey.
9. You can easily edit your Pulse survey question after you have set it up by clicking on the three dots to the right of the Pulse survey and selecting Edit.
Add a custom question
You may love that we handle all of the planning thinking and delivery of Pulse surveys for your users. At the same time, we understand that organizations encounter atypical situations like management changes, a move in location, etc., and would like to ask a customized question that pertains to these situations. Customized questions can also allow you to address your organization's culture specifically, as each organization will have its own unique cultural identity that may need particular questions to assess changes over time.
1. Select Custom question
2. Select the type of question you'd like to ask: Scale, Boolean, Open text, or Multiple choice.
3. Assign a Question Category from the dropdown menu.
4. Write your question and provide any additional details if needed.
5. Enter the custom label text.
- For scale questions, enter the low and high score labels. Some examples include, strongly disagree/strongly agree, never/always, etc.
- For boolean questions, you will have to enter the positive and negative options like yes/no, absolutely/no way, etc.
- The possibilities are endless for multiple-choice questions! Add up to ten response options for each multiple-choice question.
- For open text questions, it’s not applicable.
6. On the resulting page, you will be shown an overview of the details of your survey and can preview what the survey will look like in the Employee view by clicking on the Preview Survey button.
7. If you are happy with your survey, click Save, and the question will be added to the top of the list and will be sent out once it is time for your next Pulse survey.
Flexible Survey
Flexible Surveys can be sent on any day at any time and can include multiple questions.
1. If you want to send out a Flexible Survey, after clicking on the Create Survey button in the Manage Surveys page, select Flexible Survey, and choose which type of survey you would like to send out: Anonymous, Confidential, or Visible (learn more about our types of surveys here).
2. Choose a pre-curated survey template to begin with or start from scratch.
Limeade Listening is loaded with several survey templates designed for specific purposes such as gauging manager effectiveness, diversity in the workplace, mergers & acquisitions, and more. You can select a template from the dropdown or click on the View Templates button to preview our pre-made templates.
If you would like to create your own survey, select the Start from Scratch option instead and build out a survey to your liking.
You can add as little as one or as many as 100 questions, and they can be a mixture of Limeade Listening questions and custom questions. Chose from any combination of question types and question categories. Just click on the Add another question button at the bottom of the survey to add another question to be asked.
3. Choose who you want to send your survey to.
You can send your survey to everyone in your Limeade Listening account, to certain Saved Groups in your account, to particular individuals, or to a group of users who are in certain Attributes.
4. Set the details of your survey.
Select send date and time and close date and time and, if you want your survey to repeat, you can choose how often and how many times for it to repeat.
5. Customize the email that is going to be sent to your users.
If you want to change the Subject Line or the body of the email that is going to be sent to your users with the survey, you can do so on this page. This is a great place to give additional information about why you are sending out this survey or what you are going to use this data for.
6. Confirm that the survey details look correct.
On the final page of the survey creation process, you will get a chance to review the details of your survey as well as can take a look at what the survey will look like in Limeade Listening with the Preview Survey button.
When you are happy with your survey, you will want to go ahead and click on the Save button so that it can be added to your Manage Surveys page.
Remove Surveys
Sometimes there will be a question you just do not like or will not work for your organization. This option will remove the survey entirely and adjust the entire queue up one week to fill in the gap if it was a Pulse Survey.
To delete an upcoming survey, click on the three dots to the right of the survey information and select Remove to delete a question from the lineup.
Pause Pulses
You may want to pause Pulse Surveys if it is a national holiday if you need more time to collect feedback, or you just want to wait longer before asking another survey.
Just click the Pause Pulses button to pause the queue indefinitely, and your Pulse Surveys will be hidden from the queue. If you have any Flexible Surveys scheduled, they will remain in the queue. If you want to adjust your Flexible surveys, too, you will want to click on the three dots to the right of the survey and edit or delete them.
Resume pulsing
Postponed a question and having remorse? No worries, just click Resume, and a pop-up will tell you more about when Pulse Surveys were paused, who paused them, and when your next Pulse Survey will go out if you unpaused your Pulse Surveys today.
Reorder Surveys
Admins can easily change the order of Pulse Surveys by dragging and dropping questions in the lineup. Just hover over the Pulse Survey and click on the tab that appears on the left of the Pulse Survey to drag it to a new location in the queue.
If you would like to change when a Flexible Survey will go out, click on the three dots to the right of the Flexible Survey and select Edit.
Close an Active Survey
An “active survey" simply means it is still collecting Responses. You may find that you do not end up needing the full length of the survey duration that you originally anticipated. For instance, if you have created a survey that will collect Responses for 3 weeks, but find that you received the majority of Responses in the first few days and wish to close it out early.
All you have to do is click the three dots to the right of the active survey that you want to close early and select Close. Be careful though, once you close it, you cannot reopen it.
Extend an Active Survey
You may find you need to leave a Pulse Survey open for longer than originally scheduled. For instance, you may want to have a Pulse Survey open longer because of a national holiday or because you do not have as many Responses as you were hoping for.
If you wish to extend the survey collection period, click on the three dots to the right of the survey and select the Extend button. This will extend the period by 1 week. Click multiple times to extend the Pulse Survey for multiple weeks.
Survey Delivery Schedule and Reminders
As you are deciding on your Limeade Listening survey frequency, make sure you understand the survey schedule along with the cadence of reminder emails so you can communicate them to your team.
Note: All reminders are only delivered via email. Therefore, users will not be notified via MS Teams, Slack, mobile app, or SMS for survey reminders.
Scheduled Reminders
Pulse Surveys send on Wednesdays at 10:00 am by timezone. There is a way to adjust the time the survey is sent, but the day is fixed to Wednesday. Employees can either log in to their account or wait for the survey email to be delivered to their inbox around the same time. If the receiver does not respond to the survey before a reminder email is scheduled to go out, a reminder email will be sent just so they do not forget. See the timetable below for the exact timing and examples of each.
Pulse Surveys:
- Every week
- Survey: Wednesday at 10:00 am
- Reminder: The following Monday at 10:00 am
- Example: Survey arrives on Wednesday, May 3rd, reminder arrives on Monday, May 8th. The next survey is delivered on Wednesday, May 10th.
- Every other week
- Survey: Wednesday at 10:00 am
- Reminder: The next Wednesday at 10:00 am
- Second reminder: The second Monday at 10:00 am
- Example: Survey arrives on Wednesday, May 3rd, the first reminder arrives on Wednesday, May 10th, the second reminder is sent on Monday, May 15th. The next survey is delivered on Wednesday, May 17th.
- Every fourth week
- Survey: Wednesday at 10:00 am
- First reminder: Two Wednesdays later at 10:00 am
- Second reminder: The fourth Monday at 10:00 am
- Example: Survey arrives on Wednesday, May 3rd, the first reminder arrives on Wednesday, May 17th, the second reminder is sent on Monday, May 29th. The next survey is delivered on Wednesday, May 31st.
Flexible Surveys:
- Survey Duration: 1-3 weekdays
- Reminder: None
- Survey Duration: 4-9 weekdays
- Reminder: 2 weekdays before the close date
- Survey Duration: 10-14 weekdays
- First reminder: 5 weekdays before the close date
- Second reminder: 2 weekdays before the close date
- Survey Duration: 15-19 weekdays
- First reminder: 7 weekdays before the close date
- Second reminder: 2 weekdays before the close date
- Survey Duration: 20+ weekdays
- First reminder: 10 weekdays before the close date
- Second reminder: 2 weekdays before the close date
Manual Survey Reminder
We understand that our customers sometimes want to send an ad-hoc reminder instead. Now you are able to send out additional reminders for Flexible Surveys.
There are two places you can send these manual reminders, the Manage Surveys page and the Participation page.
Survey Schedule page
On the Manage Surveys page, click on the three dots to the right of a Flexible Survey and select Send Reminder.
On the pop-up, you will see a reminder timeline, with automated reminders in orange and manual reminders in gray. From here, click Send now to send a manual reminder.
You can also view details of past reminders simply by hovering over them.
Participation tab
Another place to send a manual reminder is in the Participation tab of a Flexible Survey. Just go to the Surveys section, click on the Engage tab, go to the Manage Surveys page, select the Flexible Survey you want to send a reminder for, and click on the Participation tab. From there, you can use the Send Reminder button to send out a manual reminder.
Just like on the Manage Surveys page, if you hover over a reminder, you will get more details about it.
Want to know more about how to see the results of your surveys? Check out how to view the results of surveys here!