Group Admin Guide

Group Admin is an Engage permission available to all organizations with Limeade Listening. A Group Admin has admin-level functionality, but only for a specific audience. If you want a user to send surveys and view data for a specific group, but not the entire company, this permission level is for you. 

Setting Up A Group Admin

The first step in setting a user as a Group Admin is to create the Saved Group(s) that they will have access to. 

To create a Saved Group, navigate to the Settings -> Saved Group page. From here you can create as many Saved Groups as you would like to assign to this Group Admin. A Group Admin can have just one or multiple groups assigned to them. 

For more information on creating Saved Groups head over to this support doc to learn more.

Once your Saved Group(s) are created, there are two ways you can assign them to a Group Admin. 

The first method is to click on the “Manage Admins” option in the Saved Groups page. This will allow you to assign a Saved Group to a specific user. 

Keep in mind that once a Saved Group is assigned to a user, their permission level will be upgraded from Employee to Group Admin. This method will only work for users who are currently employees or Group Admin. 

(We do not allow downgrading a user’s permission from Super Admin / Admin in this pop up. If you need to downgrade an Admins permission, navigate to their user profile page.)

From the user profile page, scroll down to the “App permissions” section, and then click on the three dot option for Engage, and finally click “Update”. Once you are in the Update Engage Permissions pop up, you can select the Engage permission you would like to assign to this user. 

For Group Admin click on the “Group” option, you will then be presented with a list of all created Saved Groups. Select the ones you would like to assign to this Group Admin and click save. Then you are done! Your Group Admin is set up successfully and they will have access to all user data from the users in their assigned Saved Group(s).

You might notice on this page there is also a Group Viewer permission. This permission is similar to Group Admin with one key difference. A Group Viewer has read only access to all user data in their assigned groups. This means they can only view the data, but not create surveys, comment or private message on responses, take any actions at all in their admin view. This permission is perfect for users who need to view Limeade Listening data, but not take any action on it.

Group Admin Functionality

Group Admins have access to most Limeade Listening Admin features, but not all. And the key difference is that they will only ever have access to data from users in their assigned Saved Groups, they will never see any user data from outside of these groups. Here is a quick breakdown of what a Group Admin can and can’t do.

What a Group Admin can do:

  • Send surveys to their assigned group(s)

  • View survey responses for users in their assigned group(s)

  • View Progress Plan data for users in their assigned group(s)

  • View Suggestions sent by users in their assigned group(s)

  • View Cheers sent by users in their assigned group(s)

  • Comment, private message, and set status of users in their assigned group(s)

  • Create and share Shareback reports

What a Group Admin can not do:

  • View any data from any user not in their assigned group(s)

  • Create Progress Plans

  • Access or change any organization settings

  • Access the user management page and change user data

  • Access the Employee Attributes or Saved Groups pages

We understand that not all organizations would like their Group Admin’s to have the ability to send surveys. If this is the case, you can navigate to the Settings -> Platform -> Group Admin page. From here you can turn off Group Admin survey sending for your entire organization, or just for specific Group Admins. The choice is up to you.

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